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School Board Budget Announcement

The Hooksett School District is developing its 2024-25 school year budget, and will present an initial proposed budget at the School Board meeting on October 24th at 5:30pm.  The School Board and School Administration are working to develop a smart budget that will meet the needs of our students and staff and be fair to the taxpayers of Hooksett.  We will also be preparing the Warrant articles that will appear separate from the operating budget on the ballot in March 2024. 

A big driver in our finance discussion will be the aging facilities of the Hooksett School District.  The Hooksett School Board has been deliberating on how to handle several large projects on the horizon.  On the guidance of our Superintendent, we approached EEI to evaluate our facilities.  EEI is a company that did a large facility upgrade project at the Henry Moore School in Candia in the summer of 2022.  They have made several site visits to each of our schools. EEI has presented to the Hooksett Board three times – the final one at our September, 2023 Board meeting.  Video of this meeting can be found at our video archive.

The Hooksett School Board is now challenged to see which of the following items needs to be replaced / fixed sooner than later, while balancing the other infrastructure needs that lurk on the horizon – including paving at all three schools estimated at $2 million, and the possibility of accommodating population growth in our schools.  

# Scope Approximate Budget
1 Replace Ventilation System $3,003,790
2 Install High Efficiency Boilers $652,500
3 Roofs $1,709,050
4 Upgrade Existing EMS Controls $243,250
5 Electrical Transformers $78,288
6 Building Envelope Weatherization $71,760
Total: $5,758,638
1 Replacing Remaining Ventilation Units $928,520
2 Install High Efficiency Boilers $524,900
3 Upgrade Existing EMS Controls $118,150
4 Windows $753,054
5 Fire Alarm $166,250
6 Domestic Hot water Heater & Insulation $95,000
7 Building Envelope Weatherization $150,000
Total: $2,735,874
1 Replace Ventilation System $2,896,760
2 Install High Efficiency Boilers $527,800
3 Roofs $2,034,900
4 Structural Improvements $500,000
5 Upgrade Existing EMS Controls $202,500
6 Transformers $77,298
7 Fire Alarm $152,950
8 Building Envelope Weatherization $85,000
Total: $6,477,208

We are trying to be as transparent as possible with our community members as we work through this process.  We are hoping that being transparent, commutative, and engaging with our community we can determine the right approach for Hooksett.  We hope to see you at our Future Meeting! You may also send your thoughts, questions or concerns to

  • October 17th 6:00pm Cawley Middle School, Media Center
  • October 24th 5:30pm Cawley Middle School, Media Center (only operating budget on the agenda)
  • November 21st 6:00pm Cawley Middle School, Media Center
  • December 19th 6:00pm Cawley Middle School, Media Center
    • *With other possible meetings to be scheduled 


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