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Mrs. Ellis (Emaill) and Mrs. Ackles (Email) are the guidance counselors at Hooksett Memorial School..

The goal of the comprehensive guidance and counseling program is to support and assist all students in benefiting from their educational experiences. There are four components:

Guidance Curriculum: The curriculum provides for a series of structured experiences for all students in all grades. These are presented in an appropriate sequence through classroom activities. In this way the counselor is highly visible to all students and meets with classes on a weekly basis throughout the school year. The counselor may use children’s books with themes such as: dealing with teasing and bullying, conflict resolution, tolerance and diversity, friendship, acquiring appropriate social skills, and career awareness. A “hand’s on” activity is usually a component of the lesson. In the spring of grade 5 the students participate in the “Steps to Success” program that is taught by the counselor and the health teacher. This is geared toward providing the students with knowledge about the use of tobacco and alcohol as well as refusal skills and the tools to deal with peer pressure.

Individual Planning: at the elementary level, planning consists of identifying special interests or abilities, supporting educational experience and the connections between education and careers.

Responsive Services: these services include individual and small group counseling, crisis intervention, consultation and referral. Individual counseling may encompass a broad range of issues from family concerns to school related issues both educational and peer related.

System Support: system support and program development consist of activities that manage, maintain and enhance the entire comprehensive guidance and counseling program. This includes professional development, staff and community relations, community outreach, program management, and school wide responsibilities such as duties, state testing support, and committee work.