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Spirit Week – Book Character Day

IMAGINE! What book character would you like to be friends with? Dress as that book character today! If you have the book, bring it in to share with your class.  If not, find another favorite book to bring in and share!

Spirit Week – Future Day

Confidence! What do you want to be when you grow up? What college do you want to attend? You can be anything that you want to be, as long as you believe you can do it! Dress up in what your future career may be or show support to a college you would like to […]

Spirit Week – Slippers Day!

EMPATHY! Wear your favorite slippers (and pajamas) to remember it is important to always have empathy or to “put yourself in someone else’s shoes”.

Spirit Week – Earth Day!

RESPECT! Let’s end HMS Spirit Week with the 50th Anniversary global celebration of Earth Day! Your class will read “The Lorax” by Dr. Suess to honor this special day. Dress up like the Lorax in orange and yellow or wear blue and green to represent our beautiful Earth!