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TIGER at HMS – Brand New Day

To wrap up HMS Spirit week on Friday, 2/22/2019 we welcomed the TIGER Performance troupe to put on the presentation “Brand New Day” The performance is all about empowering the bystander.  Thank you to our TIGER actors for coming to HMS! A special thanks to the Hooksett PTA for supporting this annual event.

Encouraging young people to be resilient and to stand up for themselves and others 

T = Take Care of yourself…Eat, Exercise, Routine and Rest!

I = Imagine…Make connections to others and ideas every day, and look for opportunities for self-discovery when things go wrong.

G = Grow your confidence and nurture a positive view of you! Keep things in perspective and maintain a hopeful outlook on life!

E = Have Empathy for yourself and others. Always be kind and help others whenever you can.

R = Respect yourself and others, understand that change, good and bad, is a part of life.

For more info, visit their website: 

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