SCA NH Americorps members have been working with our Grade 3 students for several weeks. Students have been working on many projects centered on Earth stewardship. The activities have included students acting out the life cycle of trees, another simulated tree sapling development. Students also did a unique worm activity, with three stations, that allowed students an opportunity to more directly observe the worms, with students recording their observations about the worms, seeds, saplings, and trees. These have been great lessons reaching across the varied disciplines. The event will culminate with a project where all students will work to identify and research the local environment (Hanna Ho Hee Pond area) and create signs, bird houses, etc., which will be displayed and used in the area. This has been a great learning experience for all! The SCA / NH Americorps Education Program provides invaluable experiences and learning opportunities for many students throughout the region, teaching environmental education to approximately 1000 area students. The groups work in teams and visit schools during a 10-week (once a week) program. The aim is to foster connections between the students and their natural world. For more information, visit
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