Student inventors in all grades will combine many skills in the areas of science, social studies, language, writing, art and math, thus promoting analytical, creative thinking and problem solving. In addition to activities in classrooms and unified arts, students will participate in the Memorial School Invention Convention on February 15, 2018. The convention is a showcase of students who have chosen to create their own invention at home. This special project is guided by the Young Inventors’ Program, from the national Academy of Applied Science. Each participating student is developing an original idea for an invention and taking it from concept to a completed project. Parents can support their child at home by encouraging creative ideas and by assisting them with making models. The inventions aim to solve a real problem in a way that has not been done before. Students are building working models of their ideas. Perhaps your pet needs a more effective way to let you know it needs to get outside. Maybe those mittens just never seem to dry out before you want to use them again. Do you wonder if you can prevent the bar of soap from breaking in half before it runs out? These are all problems which could be solved by students with inventive minds. Want to know more, visit:
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