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Principal Letter Regarding School Closure

Dear HMS Parents/Guardians,

The Superintendent of Schools, William Rearick, has made the decision to close all Hooksett schools beginning Monday, March 16, 2020, for a period of two weeks. In anticipation of this closing, teachers have created distance learning school work for students to complete.

Memorial students will have learning bags with twelve days of learning activities. These learning bags include reading, writing, math, and unified arts materials along with directions in a jumbo Ziploc bag. The teachers are also posting more specific directions with accompanying videos on our school website.

Hooksett Memorial School will be open for families to pick up learning bags at the following times:

  • Sunday, March 15, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • Monday, March 16, 8:00 am – 3:00 pm

Online learning materials will be available on our website beginning Monday morning, March 16, 2020. If you need assistance accessing these materials please reach out to our Hooksett Memorial School Helpdesk via . Teachers will also be available via email Monday through Friday, from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm for questions regarding learning activities. If your child is having any difficulty completing the assignments, please reach out to the appropriate teacher for guidance.

Cindy Nusbaum, Hooksett Schools Food Service Director, has been in contact with the Hooksett Community Food Pantry. If you need assistance providing food for your family during this time, please call the food pantry directly at 603-485-7222.

This is a learning opportunity for all of us. I am confident that we can work together as a community to successfully navigate this new experience. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this very trying time. Please contact me at (603) 485-9890 or with any questions or concerns.


Stephen Harrises

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